How we can help
Our strategy and planning team can help you to make sense of some of the more complicated aspects of selling your business. Choosing how you move forward can be stressful, confusing, and leave you open to making decisions that are not aligned with your long-term personal or business goals. We can help you decide what actions you should take to achieve your aspirations, with clear, understandable advice on the different options available to you.
What Is Your Ultimate Goal?
Before you can set a roadmap to achieving your goals, you need to define them. Do you want to ultimately sell your business and retire? Are you looking to sell part or all of the operations and start over? When you have decided on a target, it is then time to start down the path to hitting that target in the best possible way.
On the way to placing your pharmacy or digital health business on the market, there are steps that you can take that will ensure you get the best price. The experts at Pinnacle have completed a large number of transactions in these specific industry sectors, so we know exactly how and where to look for value-increasing activities – and above all, we know what investors are looking for in the businesses that they buy.
It is not just about your current profitability (although that is important), it is about the sustainability of your business, the potential for future growth, and a range of other key factors. Our strategy and planning team will offer you expert advice on improving the value of your company, and demonstrating the potential for any potential investors.
You also need to reduce any risk areas – we can help you by identifying areas of the business that are falling short of what a buyer would expect or want, and then help you to build a strategy to either remove those risks or mitigate them with other benefits for the buyer
The Market
Of course, ultimately you will be entering the market. When you do, we want you to feel that it is the absolute best time, both externally and inside the business. When the time is right, and the business is optimized, you can expect to have a number of buyers interested – in itself, a great way of increasing the value of the business. When demand is high, you can also anticipate a much quicker transaction process. We can help you to identify key strengths within your business that particular buyers may want to take advantage of – whether it is your customer base, your supplier relationships, technologies, brand name, or any other desirable asset.
For further information on strategy and planning, get in touch with a Pinnacle consultant today.
A business strategy is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends.
If you have been selected for a business audit, here is what you need to know.
Restructuring your company could restore its viability and improve its liquidity position.
Research helps you plan the best way to get your product from the manufacturer to the retail shelf. In addition to deciding which retailers should carry your product, you should determine where your inventory will be held.
Go to your team, and tell them you want to make a fresh start. Tell them you want them to enjoy their jobs more and get more done.
In this problem solving step, you will want to figure out what caused the problem, what the problem looks like at this moment, and the urgency of addressing the problem.
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